Refe alla 7th International Conference on CSR di Berlino



Dal 14 al 16 Settembre 2016, all’Università Humbold di Berlino, si terrà la 7th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, uno tra i più importanti forum internazionali che in questa edizione approfondisce il tema “CSR in an Age of Digitalization”.

Durante la Conferenza, Cristiana Rogate presenterà il paper “CSR Web Reporting in the age of digitization: transparency and accountability” redatto insieme a Paolo Ricci, Professore Ordinario di Economia Aziendale all’Università del Sannio, e Renato Civitillo, Ph.D dell’Università del Sannio.

La presentazione del paper si terrà venerdì 17 settembre, durante la sessione “CSR and digitalization”.


Refe at the 7th International CSR Conference of Berlin

The 7th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility will take place in Berlin from the 14th to the 17th September 2016 at Humbold University. This is one of the most important international forum of discussion about Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility. This year the discussion will concern “CSR in the Age of Digitalization”, with the aim of understanding the impact of digitalization on business and society.

During the conference Cristiana Rogate will present the paper “CSR Web Reporting in the age of digitization: transparency and accountability” together with Paolo Ricci – full business economics Professor at University of Sannio - and Renato Civitillo, a Ph.D. The research investigates the changes produced by digitalization on the accountability practices and the role played by web reporting in relaunching the accounting practices, both in terms of managerial growth and stakeholder relation improvements. First among everyone, Refe introduced this new form of SMART accountability for public administrations, no profit organizations and firms.  

The presentation will take place on Friday 16th September during the  “CSR and digitalization” session.

Further details: